You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
-Abraham Lincoln
Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Year Half Over!
As we come to the end of June, it is a great time to reflect on the months we have just visited.

Have your New Year resolutions, dreams and goals for 2009 been put in place? Have all or some been achieved or have they been forgotten about and put into the "too hard" basket or "it was just a dream" basket?
This time of year is a great time to re-visit goals that you have and uncover new ones to accomplish. Did you write a list at the start of the year that you can now read over and excite yourself again about?
Do you need some encouragement or support with putting plans into actions? All goals and dreams need a starting point ~ which is to realise that that is what you want. See, you've started already, you have some of those already. Next step is to break that goal down into baby steps and even work with your coach to turn your dreams and goals into realities.
This year has found me graduating from my coaching coarse, publishing my web site and building my coaching business. It was a goal I set for myself last year and have such satisfaction seeing it complete. The joy I get from working with my clients is more than I could have expected and each day brings new insights, challenges and ways for me to grow.
Over the next half of this year I intend to turn my hand at writing some articles for publication, a dream that I have had for a while and one that I will turn into a reality.
Have a wonderful second half of 2009 and don't loose sight of your dreams ~ make them happen.

Have your New Year resolutions, dreams and goals for 2009 been put in place? Have all or some been achieved or have they been forgotten about and put into the "too hard" basket or "it was just a dream" basket?
This time of year is a great time to re-visit goals that you have and uncover new ones to accomplish. Did you write a list at the start of the year that you can now read over and excite yourself again about?
Do you need some encouragement or support with putting plans into actions? All goals and dreams need a starting point ~ which is to realise that that is what you want. See, you've started already, you have some of those already. Next step is to break that goal down into baby steps and even work with your coach to turn your dreams and goals into realities.
This year has found me graduating from my coaching coarse, publishing my web site and building my coaching business. It was a goal I set for myself last year and have such satisfaction seeing it complete. The joy I get from working with my clients is more than I could have expected and each day brings new insights, challenges and ways for me to grow.
Over the next half of this year I intend to turn my hand at writing some articles for publication, a dream that I have had for a while and one that I will turn into a reality.
Have a wonderful second half of 2009 and don't loose sight of your dreams ~ make them happen.
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