This is too good not to share, so please enjoy the following article by Bonnie Ross-Parke The Connection Diva www.bonnierossparker.com
"Remember the expression, “What a difference a day makes”?
Well, I decided to focus on the possibilities of one day to see
what might happen with the right attitude.
Just for Today I will not tackle all of my “to do list”, but rather,
do what I can and be ok with what I accomplish. Just for Today
I will take the time to read, to expand my awareness on an issue,
or engage in an activity that is enlightening and stretches my
Just for Today I will accept whatever comes my way. I know the
universe doesn't always provide what I want, but rather, produces
what ends up serving my best interest. I will accept the actions,
ideas, and behaviors of others by giving them permission to be
who they are.
Just for Today I will implement a plan of action and not fall into the
trap of meeting someone else's expectations or demands on my time.
The operative word today is FOCUS. It is my intention to stay
focused and accomplish the main goal of the day.
Just for Today I will engage in generosity by doing a good deed for
the joy it will bring me without needing or expecting something in
return. I will express gratitude to people regardless of how small their
influence is in the bigger picture of life.
Just for Today I will do things I really don't enjoy doing to strengthen
my character. I will exercise and not complain. I will eat in
moderation knowing that there are people everywhere who are underfed.
I will overlook the inconveniences of life because often life gives us the test
first and the lesson comes later.
Just for Today I will remain untroubled. I will be steadfast in my
commitments, give myself permission to be imperfect, and offer
the world my best self. And when the day is over I will look back
and be grateful that I did what I set out to do, even if it was
Just for Today!"