Friday, April 11, 2008

New Chapter Please

I always thought that when my kids where off my hands, so to speak, that is when they finished school and no longer needing to be driven here and there, that I would have so much free time for me.

That could be so true, but I think I am scared of having too much free time! Sounds like it could get very dull after a while. Turning brain dead is not a very good option when we have so much life to live. What is there for me to do? My life, as many thousands of other women, was placed on hold, to become a mother and housewife, so it is time now to get my life back. A new lease on life, where there are people to meet, friends to make, places to visit, stories to share with my partner and memories to make. Memories to revisit one day and re-live the things I did do ~ not regret what I wish I had of done.

I have decided to use my “free time” to study and do something for me. So I have commenced my journey as a Life Coach whilst still working part-time and being housewife and wearing several other hats ~ as women do! Wow, what a balancing act we need to perform. But I am an example that it is achievable. I feel that the key though is to find and keep the balance. Find time each day for family & friends, spirit, health, work, finance, community. If we can allocate time daily to these areas, we are doing well.

When was the last time you took time for yourself? Leave the house and go for a long walk or swim. Without any time restraints. What was something you did as a child that you loved so much and haven’t done for years? Such as drawing or painting, playing an instrument, singing in the choir, kicking the football, riding your bike? Is there room in your diary to take 30 – 60 minutes each week to do one of those long forgotten things? Do it and see how you feel afterwards. The housework and bookwork will still be there I’m betting!

So live while you have life to live, give while you have love to give.

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