When I think about it, it doesn’t matter how much money I spend to show my love and this year I refuse to get swept up with the retail hurricane. (Perhaps except for a new pair of sparkly shoes.) When I stop and think of what is truly important, my answer is people, not things. I know something that I can do, and that is, I can take time to call or visit a friend, who I have been putting off seeing and take more time for my elderly parents and church community.
I want to give everyone reading my blog, to take the challenge and do at least one charitable deed this year. Who around you may be lonely? A neighbor, a relative, a stranger on a train, a work colleague? Stop and look around yourself with different glasses on and really see what others could be experiencing. What is happening at the local church or community program that you can help out with?
See how these small acts of kindness make you feel. Will you feel it in your head or in your heart; that you have done a good thing? To me, this is more the true meaning of Christmas than gift buying and parties, and new shoes! Give something so valuable, something that can make you feel whole and satisfied – give your self.
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