Never Enough Time?
Does that sound familiar to you?
Is it really true?
If your work day is not long enough and work commitments are the problem, we can look at just a few changes that could make your day flow easier, such as making lists, prioritising tasks, taking 10 minutes at the end of the work day to plan your next day, block off time where you cannot be disturbed and stick to it. All these things you all ready know, right?
Is it your home and social life suffering without enough hours? Are you being realistic with what you want to achieve with the time you have to achieve it? Or is your time being stolen by activities that do not serve you i.e. watching too much television, sleeping in when you could be out and about, doing things or being with people who are not feeding your soul or are you just straight out procrastinating?
There always has been and will be 24 hours in a day ~ what you do with it is up to!
As a coach I work with Time Management and Life / Work Balance, these are important issues that affect everyone. Time is something that once it is gone, you cannot get back. This is reality!
At the beginning of each week is a great time to review and plan the brand new week ahead. Prioritise and plan what you want to achieve during the week and ask yourself how important it is for to accomplish it? If it is something of high importance, either for work or personal, block off time for it in your diary now! If it is a large project, you may need to block out several times during the week, or over a few weeks, to work on this goal. Be realistic and don’t overstretch yourself. If a goal is not of a high importance, you can still give it time during your week, but allow it to be moved if needed. Give yourself permission to replace it with a higher priority task without feeling guilty. It can be re-diarised for a later date – just re-schedule it, at the time of moving so it is not forgotten, know that it is out of your head. It is likely that it will become a high priority at a later date.
If your time management, or lack of it, is causing you stress, it may be time to work with a coach who can help you with your day to day activities. Are your goals in line with your values? Do you know what your true values are? Visit my website and do the Values Worksheet to find out http://www.lifefocusplus.com/
Does that sound familiar to you?
Is it really true?
If your work day is not long enough and work commitments are the problem, we can look at just a few changes that could make your day flow easier, such as making lists, prioritising tasks, taking 10 minutes at the end of the work day to plan your next day, block off time where you cannot be disturbed and stick to it. All these things you all ready know, right?
Is it your home and social life suffering without enough hours? Are you being realistic with what you want to achieve with the time you have to achieve it? Or is your time being stolen by activities that do not serve you i.e. watching too much television, sleeping in when you could be out and about, doing things or being with people who are not feeding your soul or are you just straight out procrastinating?
There always has been and will be 24 hours in a day ~ what you do with it is up to!
As a coach I work with Time Management and Life / Work Balance, these are important issues that affect everyone. Time is something that once it is gone, you cannot get back. This is reality!
At the beginning of each week is a great time to review and plan the brand new week ahead. Prioritise and plan what you want to achieve during the week and ask yourself how important it is for to accomplish it? If it is something of high importance, either for work or personal, block off time for it in your diary now! If it is a large project, you may need to block out several times during the week, or over a few weeks, to work on this goal. Be realistic and don’t overstretch yourself. If a goal is not of a high importance, you can still give it time during your week, but allow it to be moved if needed. Give yourself permission to replace it with a higher priority task without feeling guilty. It can be re-diarised for a later date – just re-schedule it, at the time of moving so it is not forgotten, know that it is out of your head. It is likely that it will become a high priority at a later date.
If your time management, or lack of it, is causing you stress, it may be time to work with a coach who can help you with your day to day activities. Are your goals in line with your values? Do you know what your true values are? Visit my website and do the Values Worksheet to find out http://www.lifefocusplus.com/
Who, exactly seeks out a coach? -” Winners who want even more out of life." -Chicago Tribune
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