The dictionary says: nurture 1 : to supply with nourishment 2 : educate 3 : to further the development of . Dates back to the 15th Century – so it’s been around for a long time.
I have been very fortunate to have attended a wonderful retreat and enjoy five whole days of nurturing mind, body and spirit with my wonderful husband. Here is the link to where I can recommend some wonderful pampering. http://www.gaiaretreat.com.au/
Time out is so important. I heard a great analogy yesterday that I would like to share “We can become very much like a computer with too many windows open, eventually something has to crash.” So as you would log off and shut down your computer to allow it to reboot, you need to also do the same for yourself.
This week also after having my blissful week away, I had news of two beautiful nieces of mine having been harmed, by no fault of their own. One niece, an air born germ, which has caused a terrible illness and possible long-term damage which she, may have to live with. Another person, using drugs and attempting to harm a beautiful young girl, caused the second incident. Hearing these events have made me stop and really appreciate how special our children are and how we, as parents, family and friends will never stop wanting to nurture and protect them. Such a traumatic experience in such young people we want to protect from. The trauma felt from these events ripples through from victim to parent to other family members to friends. They both could have been so very much worse than they were, so we are extremely grateful for that
Take time out to appreciate what we have, nourish children, family, friends and self without forgetting our mother earth.
1 comment:
WOW Julie, Your retreat really looks fantastic. I spent some time in Byron Bay but my experience was nothing like that! It must have been wonderful.
I hope your nieces are doing better. Take care - Clare
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