Give yourself an objective, to try or do something new and foreign to you, something out of your comfort zone. Even something you have been putting off. Turn it into a game, and have some fun with it. Reward yourself along the way with small treats as a self-acknowledgement when you have accomplished all or even part of your objective.
If this is too hard to get started on, look at the strengths you already have and expand on them. This is something that can be fun to do and you will feel enthused because it is easy and familiar to you. Being enthused can give you the confidence to then try something that you have been putting of, because it’s not so enjoyable.
Working on your strengths can be good for the soul. How often do you take your strengths for granted and not acknowledge them. List your strengths, start with one area of your life at a time ~ you will be amazed at just how many you have. Write down 20, then another 20 and then more again, then move onto another area of your life, aim for 100 strengths in each area. Take your time, do it over months if you need to. This can now become a list you revisit, add too and remind yourself that yeah, wow look at all these things that I am great at. What you may consider to be small strengths may just be the opposite of someone else.
Just have fun, take some action, and enjoy what happens.
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