Monday, December 15, 2008
Get Back Up
Enjoy this short video, it is self explanatory and most powerful.
I know there is a message in it for us all.
Take a moment to read

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Slow it Down

It is a good time of year to unclutter space around you. Start small, perhaps in a drawer or work area which you often use. Remove everything that does not serve you anymore and either throw or give away. Clean the space and as you return your items, notice how you feel. Satisfied that you have finally gotten to that job, more in control, lighter in spirit as the clutter has gone and it feels good to minimize?
Go one step further and add some calming fragrance or oils or candles around your area, my favorite is lavender, and perhaps treat yourself to some flowers. Take moments at random times during the day to stop and focus on your breathing. As you breath out, exhale any stress or anxiety that you may been holding onto. Focus on taking a deep breath in, hold and exhale till you can go no more, all old stale air expelled. Do this for 3 or 4 breaths. Whatever it may take for you to “slow it down” make a conscious effort to do it.
Enjoy the coming weeks and don’t loose sight of what is truly important.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
First things first .......

If I had my child to raise all over again
I’d build self-esteem first and the house later
I’d finger paint more and point the finger less
I would do less correcting and more connecting
I’d take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes
I would care to know less and know to care more
I’d take more hikes and fly more kites
I’d stop playing serious and seriously play
I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars
I’d do more hugging and less tugging
I’d see the oak in the acorn more often
I would be firm less often and affirm much more
I’d model less about the love of power and more about the power of love
Dianne Loomans
This is a lovely reminder that I have had on my fridge for the last 15 or more years. It is there to remind me that life is so short and children are young for an even shorter time. It reminds me that making the beds, sweeping the floor, doing the dishes are not the most important tasks in the day and of the importance to stop and take time for ones around me.
This struck home to me more then I realized when I was at a friends home for dinner and someone accidently spilled a drink, possibly staining a lovely lace cloth. I was reminded by this lovely woman who had suffered the loss of her only son, a stained cloth does not even register on the “care counter”.
I know that I sometimes forget that my saying is on the fridge and am always gently humbled when I uncover it again from under all the school notices and shopping lists, and remember what is truly important. Life is not about how long your life is, it’s about what you do with it.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Reach Out

When I think about it, it doesn’t matter how much money I spend to show my love and this year I refuse to get swept up with the retail hurricane. (Perhaps except for a new pair of sparkly shoes.) When I stop and think of what is truly important, my answer is people, not things. I know something that I can do, and that is, I can take time to call or visit a friend, who I have been putting off seeing and take more time for my elderly parents and church community.
I want to give everyone reading my blog, to take the challenge and do at least one charitable deed this year. Who around you may be lonely? A neighbor, a relative, a stranger on a train, a work colleague? Stop and look around yourself with different glasses on and really see what others could be experiencing. What is happening at the local church or community program that you can help out with?
See how these small acts of kindness make you feel. Will you feel it in your head or in your heart; that you have done a good thing? To me, this is more the true meaning of Christmas than gift buying and parties, and new shoes! Give something so valuable, something that can make you feel whole and satisfied – give your self.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Can you say “No”.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Socrates/Plato: Complaining of the Youth

"The children now love luxury; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are tyrants, not servants of the households. They no longer rise when their elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize over their teachers." I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on the frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words. When I was a boy, we were taught to be discrete and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise and impatient of restraint.~attributed to Hesiod (8th century B.C.)
What would happen if Socrates changed his prospective of how he saw the children that he speaks of as being disrespectful, and viewed them in a different light? I’m thinking the stress levels of all concerned would have been lowered!
So it seems that the youth of today are just like the youth of times gone by. What can we do about behavior we do not like? I guess setting examples are always good, or perhaps it could be as simple as just being present. Living in the now and taking precious time together.
There are so many obstacles in this busy world of ours that get in the way of being present or being “there”. I wonder what would happen if we all learnt how to live in the moment, in the now. Not worry about the past as that has gone and cannot be changed, and the future comes soon enough without focusing on it too much.
While we are lucky to have children around us, we should take time and live in the now. I know that cannot be a 24hour place to be, but for a short time daily would be a good start. Don’t let the moments fly by, they are not ever retrievable.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Here we are, Monday again!
At home in Australia, spring has begun and we are suffering a history making drought! Some areas not having had proper rain fall for well over 10 years! In Melbourne, the city is excited with the end of the football season and the start of the spring racing (horses) season.
There are many distractions going on, and they are all out of my control even the ones which effect me!
In my smaller community, I am hearing of friends fighting different battles. From leukemia, to prostate cancer to throat cancer to mental illness to breast cancer to brain damage to marriage trouble. All so varied and each so traumatic to each individual and each family.
All this has really highlighted to me how grateful I am for all I have. I have no control over global or larger happenings in the world, but I can tell my family and friends how much I appreciate them and love them, and choose not to take that for grated.
I heard someone say the world is going through a "birthquake" ~ perhaps we are getting a bit of a shake up, and God wants to remind us to treasure the ones we love.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Our deepest fear is not ...
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves,
“Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?” Actually, who
are you NOT to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small does NOT serve the world. There
is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to manifest the glory that is within us. And as we let our light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Spoken by Nelson Mandela
1994 Inaugural Speech

This is a wonderful posting that I have very gratefully copied from a friends blog, with her permission. It talks about our fear, so often the fear we have is the fear of not failing but of actually succeeding!
Feeling that we are not worthy to have all that we want. Well if not you, then who is worthy, why aren't you just as worthy as the next guy?
I hope this resonates with you as much as it does with me. I also hope that it may give you courage that you may have been looking for, to go that extra step and live your true desires.
Friday, October 3, 2008

When was the last time you took time out to do some dreaming of your own? Perhaps you have forgotten how too, or even been so consumed with the fast pace of life that you do not have time for dreaming any more!
If you find it hard to get in touch with what you want; divide a sheet of paper in half, length ways and ask yourself ~ what don't I want? eg You may not want bad health, lack of money, no friends, unsatisfactory job, dull holiday destinations, lack of excitement, putting up with an old car etc. List these on the left hand side of your blank sheet, then write the opposite of your don't wants on the right had side. This is a good simple exercise to give you an idea of what you want. When you know what you want, then you can take action toward getting it.
While you are doing this, extend yourself ~ do a mind dump of everything and anything that you think of. Even if you feel that it is not achievable now, list it. Even start a vision board with cut-out pictures of wants and dreams. How can you bring about your wants and dreams, if you don't see it, feel it and want it?
Dream big and dream bold and have fun seeing what happens. :0)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Who am I when no ones looking?

It’s a question that I like to throw out to my clients;
it’s a question that no one else in the whole world can
answer for you. Can you answer it ~ truthfully answer it.
Don’t say what you want others to hear or see, or how
you think your expected to behave, act or feel. Have
you forgotten or lost the answer over the years. Often
the need to be responsible, having a career, family,
mortgage or just growing old can make you loose sight of you?
Take some time to re-visit your childhood. Think back to some of
the fantasies, games and dreams you had all those years ago, when
anything was possible and the world was your oyster.
When it didn’t matter what anyone else thought and when
you had no inhabitations and life was fun.
If your not liking what you’re seeing when no one
else is around, ask yourself what you need to do, to
change this. Is there just so much on your plate that
there is no longer time just for you or is there
something missing that you need to add to your life
to make you feel more
Go find a grassy place and lie on your back and look for pictures
in the clouds and think about who you really are when there is no
one looking.
I hope you like what you see.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Getting started

Why is it always so much easier to see what others need to be doing and to give advice to them? So, I will lead by example and walk the talk so to speak and put procrastination behind me and plan my diary. I think that once you have written something down, you are more inclined to commit to it.
Earlier this year I sat and listed all the components to my ideal job and also a list of things that I wanted to achieve for the year. Well, I am happy to report that my ideal job is life coaching and I have taken all the steps to make this happen. On my second list of things to do, I am still working through it, but it is good to have and to revisit every now and then. I don't want to come to the end of another year and feel that nothing has been achieved. It is in every ones power to change that around and live a fuller life.
Why not do a list for yourself and title it:- In The Next 12 Months I Will .... and you can then think of 4-5 things you'd like to achieve under headings such as health, spiritual, family, work, finance and leisure. See what you come up with, it is fun to do and a great sense of accomplishment when you can tick some of them off.
But now, its time for a coffee!
“...the greatest miracle for me was getting started.”
—V.S. Naipul
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.
“Oh, the Places You'll Go!”---Dr. Seuss
This is such a great passage from one of Dr Seuss’s children’s poems. It really tells us, that what we decide to do is really up to us. We get to make the decision; do we decide to move forward or to play it safe and stay where we are? There is a lot of power in choice. There are also consequences in staying safe! When we decide to make a move, whatever it may be, whether in our work, relationship, where we choose to live, we are giving up a secure place of what we know. We are making a conscience shift to a place of possibly no power, of the unknown, even though (through past experience) we know that it is usually only for a short time. Eventually the fear we hold becomes familiar territory and as it fades away we take new ownership. So decide to be brave and move forward, take the first step. Make yourself proud and as one clever marketer likes to say – Just Do It!
You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way! -Dr. Seuss
Friday, July 18, 2008
One door closes
There is a whole new adventure waiting for me in my coaching career and I am certainly looking forward to devoting more time to creating my new business and finishing my training.
As with many areas of ones live, there are different emotions with closing one door and walking through to the next. Just like with some friendships and even marriages, they can come and go, but the memories are forever there to think back on and cherish all the happy times.
Being at a point in life where we grow out of relationships and careers, does not lesson the commitment that was there at the time. It is a natural progression, to grow and change and eventually there comes a time to move on.
So as I am sad to finish working with people who I have spent much time with over the years, I am very satisfied that I have made the commitment to myself to allow myself to grow and develop. I have taken one more step into the future and know I will enjoy what unfolds. I have already made that decision, that it is up to me and I will have loved every minute even the challenging ones. For to look back in years to come and be saddened by not trying something new, would be so much harder to live with than the fear I may have of taking that step forward.
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Celebration is something that most of us do not do often enough. Certainly the big things in life do get acknowledged, like weddings, birthdays, graduations and the like, but the little daily things seem to slip under the radar. There are so many things in our life that can call for celebration, or even simple acknowledgment.
We can celebrate the fact that we live where we live. Our family and friends, a smile or kind world from a stranger, having food in the cupboard and a roof over our head, even the air that we breathe. It all becomes then a question of attitude. To live with an attitude of gratitude and to be mindful daily could be a very insightful exercise.
What would happen if you were asked to live one whole week in a constant state of celebration? Would that be so much of a challenge that you would not be even considered it, or could it be a fun challenge? Would you be able to turn every situation, into a positive experience? To let off some internal fireworks and to acknowledge yourself, to change your perspective to gratitude could be very difficult for many people, but well worth the experience. I feel that the week could end up by being a positive and much happier experience to you and ones around you.
Or on the other hand do we have an attitude of entitlement? Has our environment, relentless commercialism and the fast pace of our world given us the false sense of expectation that we are owed?
Lets not take others, our environment or our life for granted. Celebrate (whether out loud or just to yourself) and be grateful, we are truly blessed.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The greatest gift we can give ....
The greatest gift we can give to a person in pain is to hold in our own minds the thought that there is a light beyond this darkness. What goes on externally is only the tip of the iceberg in any situation. The lessons, the real changes, the opportunities to grow--these are things the body's eyes can't see. They remain beneath the spiritual water line, but they are there. And they represent a much more vast picture of the soul's journey than what we can see from the perspective of our physical senses. Growth is not always about getting what we think we want. Always, it's about becoming the men and women we have the potential to be. Loving, pure, honest, clear.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Different but same!
Atlantic Journal
16 June 1833
I found this piece to be amazing, it could be an article of today. Through the generations, people have had, do have and will have so many of the same issues. We are not so different at all from past generations when you really think about it, humans all have the same needs and wants to be satisfied.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Commitment versus trying
Last week, I made a conscious decision to commit to some of those things that never seen to get done. All those little things we talk about doing and know they need to be attended to and we will eventually get around to doing. We all know (I hope I’m not the only one here) what that’s like.
So instead of trying to make time, I decided that the time had come to commit and just do it. Time to stop making excuses and start crossing some of these “need to’s” off my list.
I have, with a little help, set up my own skype address just for me! Though quite small in the big picture I know, it is quite a large step for me into the wondrous world of technology!
It is such a good feeling to have this done. It really didn’t take too much time or effort either and that makes me wonder why I kept putting it off?
Commitment versus trying can be a very powerful statement. It can take us out of the void zone and into the glad I’ve done it zone. I really do agree with someone I heard say that the word “Trying” sounds very whinny! Doing is a much more positive action to use.
Do, doing, done – don’t you love it and it feels so good.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Self Help

I can’t help but feel amused at the number of times lately that I have found myself standing and searching for a book that is recommended reading, and it is in the “Self Help” section of the bookstore. I have fun seeing myself in others eyes as having been just dumped, not coping – a scene straight out of 'Bridget Jone's Diary'. Small things can make me smile :o) It is interesting how we view ourselves isn’t it? Often, it is the opposite as to how others really see us.
So from all my readings, listening and learning, a common thread weaves through my life. An awareness that I became conscious of a few years ago, after reading another book! That is Gratitude. I have read that gratitude; love and appreciation are the highest forms of vibrations and when you are having these thoughts, there is no room for the negative feelings. As more of your feelings, thoughts and words become positive you start attracting more of the same feelings thoughts and words. Same attracts same.
I have used a gratitude journal, one that I would write 5 things into which I was grateful for that day. I haven’t used it for a while, but I still take the time and run these thoughts through my mind before I go to sleep each night.
Last nights list was; giving thanks for the beautiful sunny day we had after such a cold start in the morning. I was grateful for having a cassette player in my car, so that I could listen to something undisturbed whilst driving. I was grateful for my son who came up to my office for a visit and a wonderful hug. I gave thanks for finding a few hours to work on my coarse work, which is rare to find. I was so grateful for my wonderful warm bed at the end of a long day and gave thanks for so many things that I have and hope never to take them for granted.
Self help is just what it says, to help self - thats you! Be aware of all the great qualities you have, take some time to list them down. See in yourself what others see and take control of you. Find things to be grateful for each and every day. Even after a horrible, taxing, flu ridden day, look for a bright moment. Someone who was being kind to you or another person, putting on your slippers at the end of a long day, or just knowing that the day is over and the sun will come up again in the morning to begin another wonderful day.
“To change the world, you must change yourself first. To help the world, you must help yourself first. To understand the world, you must understand your self first.” Annette NoontilFriday, May 23, 2008
Time for Action
I tend to be a procrastinator. I know that I should be doing something and usually do get around to doing it sooner or later. I also know that I am not alone!
I decided this week, to give myself a challenge and put into action something that I have been delaying or putting off. So, me being me, I chose a safe and easy task to begin with. “Clearing the clutter.” This is one thing that really does get me down, living in clutter. So starting with the pantry, whilst cooking dinner, shelf by shelf every item was removed, area cleaned and things neatly returned. I am happy to share with you that all the shelves are looking fabulous. I now know what was living way back in the dark and more than one item have moved on to land fill (sorry about that). Wow, I do feel so much better when I open that pantry door. It is an achievement, though granted a small one. Next on my de-clutter list is the spare bedroom where all the children’s clothes, books and toys are biding their time. Mind you the children are no longer children, so this is a job that is well overdue.
As I work through my list and change my procrastinating habits, it is amazing how good it feels. My next big move is with my coaching and commencing my trial sessions. I have wonderful volunteers’ and am working on my trail session structure, which is just about complete. It will feel very rewarding to then tick off having done several of these sessions.
The word “should” needs to exit my vocabulary and be replaced with the word “will”. I don’t want to be doing what others want me to do, hence what I feel I “should” be doing. It is time to take charge and do the things I want to do and will do.
So here is a challenge for you. What exists in your life right now that you have been delaying? Can you put it into action this week? Start small, baby steps. The sense of accomplishment will be well worth the doing.
Thursday, May 15, 2008

The dictionary says: nurture 1 : to supply with nourishment 2 : educate 3 : to further the development of . Dates back to the 15th Century – so it’s been around for a long time.
I have been very fortunate to have attended a wonderful retreat and enjoy five whole days of nurturing mind, body and spirit with my wonderful husband. Here is the link to where I can recommend some wonderful pampering.
Time out is so important. I heard a great analogy yesterday that I would like to share “We can become very much like a computer with too many windows open, eventually something has to crash.” So as you would log off and shut down your computer to allow it to reboot, you need to also do the same for yourself.
This week also after having my blissful week away, I had news of two beautiful nieces of mine having been harmed, by no fault of their own. One niece, an air born germ, which has caused a terrible illness and possible long-term damage which she, may have to live with. Another person, using drugs and attempting to harm a beautiful young girl, caused the second incident. Hearing these events have made me stop and really appreciate how special our children are and how we, as parents, family and friends will never stop wanting to nurture and protect them. Such a traumatic experience in such young people we want to protect from. The trauma felt from these events ripples through from victim to parent to other family members to friends. They both could have been so very much worse than they were, so we are extremely grateful for that
Take time out to appreciate what we have, nourish children, family, friends and self without forgetting our mother earth.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Take Action

Give yourself an objective, to try or do something new and foreign to you, something out of your comfort zone. Even something you have been putting off. Turn it into a game, and have some fun with it. Reward yourself along the way with small treats as a self-acknowledgement when you have accomplished all or even part of your objective.
If this is too hard to get started on, look at the strengths you already have and expand on them. This is something that can be fun to do and you will feel enthused because it is easy and familiar to you. Being enthused can give you the confidence to then try something that you have been putting of, because it’s not so enjoyable.
Working on your strengths can be good for the soul. How often do you take your strengths for granted and not acknowledge them. List your strengths, start with one area of your life at a time ~ you will be amazed at just how many you have. Write down 20, then another 20 and then more again, then move onto another area of your life, aim for 100 strengths in each area. Take your time, do it over months if you need to. This can now become a list you revisit, add too and remind yourself that yeah, wow look at all these things that I am great at. What you may consider to be small strengths may just be the opposite of someone else.
Just have fun, take some action, and enjoy what happens.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Moments are precious
I have seen incredible compassion emerge and am constantly impressed and proud of the huge humanitarian thread that runs through our family. Being able to have all these great young people stay with me when they visit Melbourne is an absolute pleasure.
I feel that the youth of today have come to teach us something, not just computer skills and modern day tasks, which I am badly lacking knowledge of, but their outlook on life. The world is a much faster, more competitive, more dangerous environment and environmentally damaged world than what we knew. Mainly they have a laidback approach and pretty good coping skills. If they can be confident and not easily led by the temptation of excessive alcohol, gambling or drugs, there is no stopping this generation in achieving what they set out to do. The world is their oyster.
So if there are young ones out that may not be coping so well, take time to sit and listen to their stories. Try not to be in a rush to get back to work and don’t worry if you need to repeat yourself once or twice. Giving time and patience is often what you get back. Grab every moment you can, ‘cause every moment is precious.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
How do you see that?

We do live in a wonderful world, sometimes we just need to look past the day to day annoyances to allow us to view to its fullest. If we can see things through others eyes, or change the way we view things, such as turning an irritation into a fascination, we would become more relaxed, accepting and happier with our world.
There is an old saying that goes, “walk in someone’s shoes before you judge them”. So maybe when someone has a very annoying habit which really gets under your skin, think instead, wow, how can that person keep up that behaviour for so long and not realise they are doing it, how interesting? Or the neighbour’s dog which constantly barks, driving us all to distraction ~ how fascinating that it has such stamina and doesn’t loose its voice, it can even have an amusing side, if you choose to see it! It’s entirely up to you.
How we view things can have so much effect on how we treat others and live our own lives. In other words, what is your perception? Do you find yourself quickly judging, arguing a point that someone has made, not really listening to what is being said, being narrow minded? Learn to listen to the whole argument; everyone has the right to voice his or her opinion. And remember that your way is not the only way.
Friday, April 11, 2008
New Chapter Please

That could be so true, but I think I am scared of having too much free time! Sounds like it could get very dull after a while. Turning brain dead is not a very good option when we have so much life to live. What is there for me to do? My life, as many thousands of other women, was placed on hold, to become a mother and housewife, so it is time now to get my life back. A new lease on life, where there are people to meet, friends to make, places to visit, stories to share with my partner and memories to make. Memories to revisit one day and re-live the things I did do ~ not regret what I wish I had of done.
I have decided to use my “free time” to study and do something for me. So I have commenced my journey as a Life Coach whilst still working part-time and being housewife and wearing several other hats ~ as women do! Wow, what a balancing act we need to perform. But I am an example that it is achievable. I feel that the key though is to find and keep the balance. Find time each day for family & friends, spirit, health, work, finance, community. If we can allocate time daily to these areas, we are doing well.
So live while you have life to live, give while you have love to give.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Star Fish Story
Once a man was walking along a beach. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. Off in the distance he could see a person going back and forth between the surf's edge and and the beach. Back and forth this person went. As the man approached he could see that there were hundreds of starfish stranded on the sand as the result of the natural action of the tide.
The man was stuck by the the apparent futility of the task. There were far too many starfish. Many of them were sure to perish. As he approached the person continued the task of picking up starfish one by one and throwing them into the surf.
As he came up to the person he said, "You must be crazy. There are thousands of miles of beach covered with starfish. You can't possibly make a difference." The person looked at the man. He then stooped down and pick up one more starfish and threw it back into the ocean. He turned back to the man and said, "It sure made a difference to that one!"
Friday, April 4, 2008
Hello and Welcome